2007年4月3日 星期二


從今天起, 你(妳)也可以在家裡迅速又高雅的停單車囉 !


- Solar powered
- Wireless network
- Smart card technology
- Automatic security camera activation
- Fully visible storage
- Ease of use
- Small footprint
- Small plaza footprint for maximum floor space
- Aesthetically pleasing street furniture
- Canopy display feature
- Install or move in less than a day (3 to 6 hours)
- Always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Adaptable for inside parking
- Modular form integrates in archictectural designs
- Integrates into existing transportation network

及那位家裡大大小小, 前前後後買了八台單車的董座級成功人士..

想在家裡擺一台的, 請速洽 Bike Tree.

東榮高科技太陽能無線上網自動監視立體單車停車塔..省電又擱省工, 省氣力又擱省灶腳縫呦 !
呼恁卡打車嘸免ㄊ嘎歸厝內, 麵盧米漿擱湯加擺兩台 !
查脯人厝內工作ㄟ當拼命做, 查某人嘸擱歸罡碎碎唸 !

東榮新科技, 保證大碗擱滿意 ! 東榮總代理, 保證大家有信心 !
